Monday, April 5, 2010

AC North Alabama Fund Raiser


  1. I wish we were in the area to ride in this. We are both avid motorcyclists, and we have two boys with AS. We still have a home in Huntsville but had to move to Colorado Springs in December due to the military. We would love to get involved when we retire and come home with our boys.

  2. motorcycles are just like cars.......dangerous.
    bicycles are better and more safer to handle than motorcycles. why have a motorcycle race when have bicycles that require more strength to do than riding motorcycles does?......its more of a better challenge riding bicycles and better.

  3. A Poker Run isn't a race, but more like a really, really easy scavenger hunt. You have a planned route with stops and ample time to get to each of the stops. At each stop, you get a card. Once you're at the final stop, you have a hand. The hands are compared and prizes are given on the basis of the value of the hands. This is a very safe and common format for a charity ride.

  4. My son was originally diagnosed with ADHD and ODD at the age of 6. He was recently re-diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. It is wonderful to read about the achievements of other children but I haven't been able to get one iota of special needs services from our school district. I had to pull him out of public school just to keep him safe from bullies and indifferent school officials. I can't afford to continue home schooling and need assistance. How and where can I get help for my son? I've contacted just about every agency I can think of and all I get is the same contact information. ALSDE is not much help and there doesn't seem to be any real resources for children with special needs. There is a lot of information out there but nothing that has changed our situation. So far I've just been spending a lot of time meeting with people who either don't know what should be done or don't care.
